Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Toon Boom Halloween Contest

My friends over at Toon Boom are having a pretty cool contest this month, and you can get a free copy of Flip Boom Doodle. Might be a fun way to mess around with some 2d animation tools. I know quite a few animators who use 2d software to plan out a majority of their shot. Definitely worth trying, you never know you might love it and find a new addition to your workflow.

Here are the details they sent along:

Toon Boom's 2012 Halloween Animation Contest
Toon Boom is hosting its annual Halloween Animation Contest. Using a free copy of Flip Boom Doodle, animators of all skill levels and ages are invited to create their own dancing Pumpkin! Winners will receive an iPad or a copy of Toon Boom Studio. The contest closes soon on October 31, 2012, so get those submissions into Facebook today! Click to enter: http://on.fb.me/RJgarE

Here are some of their submissions, if you just want to check out the competition or just watch animation:

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